Day 148: “Looking Back”

As we approach the end of another year, it’s only natural to begin looking back over the last twelve months and attempting to create some sort of closure.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll spend at least some (and perhaps even a lot) of that time thinking about mistakes, regrets, and shortcomings of the past twelve months: things you didn’t say but wish you’d said … things you didn’t do but wish you’d done … things you did but wish you hadn’t done … things you said but wish we hadn’t said … things you would have changed – or done differently – or avoided altogether … things you failed to achieve and accomplish.

Acknowledging our missteps is normal, healthy, and even necessary, but fixating on them misses (or at least ignores) the larger context surrounding them.

No matter how many missteps we might have made over the past twelve months, we still had successes (and, yes, some days even the simple act of waking up, getting out of bed, and getting through the day really is a success). Acknowledge them. Embrace them. And as you do, remember, too, that you’re also stronger and wiser for having survived each and every one of the missteps and mistakes you might have made along the way.