Take a Look: “Trick or Treat” at 30,000 Feet

This story has been all over the media – both traditional and social – the past several days. I don’t know why it gets to me as much as it does – maybe because it’s a reminder to us all of just how much a simple gesture can mean.

letterfromdadPhoto by Stephanie Kahan

From the CBS News website: “This dad really knows how to make the best out of a bad situation. He wants to remain anonymous, but thanks to a fellow airline passenger touched by his sweet gesture, we can all enjoy the story. The man’s 3-year-old daughter Molly had been looking forward to going trick-or-treating, but her dad was saddened to realize she might be out of luck.  They would be spending Halloween evening on a flight from Boston to San Francisco. … But sometimes when things get tough, getting creative can help, and that’s how this dad decided to solve the problem.”

Read the full story at the CBS News website – and after you finish, take a moment to remember just how much a little of your time can mean to someone that you love.

Take a Look: The Teal Pumpkin Project


From the Food Allergy Research & Education website: “FARE’s Teal Pumpkin Project helps make sure all children will come home on Halloween night with something they can enjoy. It just takes one simple act: offering non-food treats, such as glow sticks or small toys, as an alternative to candy. Last year, households from all 50 states and 14 countries participated. This is a worldwide movement to create a safer, happier Halloween for all trick-or-treaters.”

Read more at the FATE website.